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Hemorrhoids treatment and hemroids cure with Bioflavonoids

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Discover major benefits from using bioflavonoids for healing your hemorrhoids and hemroids care

In this article you will discover important information about bioflavonoids and their application in hemorrhoids treatment and hemroids management. You will find out comprehensive information about Diosmin, OPCs, Hesperidin and Rutin including the recommended daily dosage as well.


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Bioflavonoids are powerful weapons created by mother nature that should be used in your battle against hemorrhoids.

Bioflavonoids have been found to be most effective in helping to relieve and eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They are useful in reducing enlarged veins in the rectum and in the legs (varicose veins.). Bioflavonoids are essential part of every hemorrhoids treatment.

What are bioflavonoids?

Bioflavonoids are a group of naturally occurring plant compounds, which act primarily as plant pigments. They are responsible for the colors of fruits, leaves,and flowers of the plants.

Bioflavonoids act as antioxidants as well. They are sometimes referred as vitamin P.

Bioflavonoids and vitamin C are found in many of the same foods and the body metabolizes both of these in the same manner.

Researchers have discovered that bioflavonoids act synergistically with vitamin C to protect and preserve the structure of capillary blood vessels and some of the functions that vitamin C is credited with is actually from the bioflavonoids.

Bioflavonoids are not considered true vitamins as it has not been proven that they are essential for for human functioning.

 Bioflavonoids are found in a wide range of foods: in the rind of green citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, soya products and in green tea. But most foods do not contain enough bioflavonoids to help as a hemorrhoids treatment. So it best to use a quality supplement.

How are bioflavonoids classified?

Bioflavonoids are divided into four categories, however the issue of how to divide them is not universally agreed upon:

1. Oligomeric gomeric proanthocyanidin complexes /OPC/ a. k. a. Proanthocyanidins. They exist in many plants and red wine. Commercially available sources are from grape seeds and bark from the maritime pine.
2. Quercetin -serves as backbone for other flavonoids such as citrus flavonoids: rutin, hesperidin. It is most active of the flavoinoids. It is used for the relief of allergies and inflammation.

  • Citrus bioflavonoids-include rutin, quercitrin, hesperidin, naringin, diosmin and standardized mixture of rutinosides known as hydroxyethylrutosides (HER);  
  • Green Tea Polyphenols- derived from tea plant camellia sinensis /Chinese green tea/;

Which bioflavonoids have shown to be beneficial to hemorhoids treatment?

From the point of view of the hemorrhoids treatment

have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of piles and varicose veins.

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